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KITT from Knight Rider

KITT had many variations throughout the Knight Rider series. The original KITT was a 1982 Pontiac Trans Am. It was a 2 door coupe with front engine and back-wheel drive. It was fitted with customised after burners and had a turbo jet. KITT could go from 0-60 mph in 2 seconds.

20 cars were purchased for the show. Many of them were destroyed after the show. 5 still remain and the original is now stored away and is occasionally brought to conventions.

The name KITT stands for Knight industries 2000 but who says that. I didn't know that until today. We all just know it as KITT. KITT was voiced by William Daniels which 90's kids would know as Mr Feeny from Boy meets world.

So what other things could KITT do besides the obvious Turbo boost and seat ejection

  • Molecular shell to protect itself during explosions
  • Heat resistant with the use of Pyroclastic lamination
  • The control of other machines using the Electronic Jamming system
  • Flame throwers, tear gas and flares
  • Silent mode 
  • Shock resistant protection for Michael or other passengers while they were under attack using Passive Layer resistant system
  • Analyses chemicals
  • Over ride the AI where Michael could take over control of KITT
  • Surveillance mode
  • Grappling hook

KITT could not drive itself sorry to burst any bubble. It was driven by a stunt man lying on the floor.  

Thank you so much for reading my blog post. I watched Knight Rider a lot as a child and even though it originally ran before I was born I got to see it growing up through reruns. KITT could have been the car that got me interested in cars and that is because it was so cool looking. Here is the website where I got the information for this blog. The next car blog I will do will be on the cars that were reguarly on the Waltons. There was many cars on the Waltons so I will probably do a blog on each separately but we will see. What was your favourite thing about KITT or Knight Rider in general. Mine would have to be Turbo boost. Here is a funny video done by Irish comedian doing a mock of Knight Rider.


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