Lent begins today, Ash Wednesday and to be honest I'm not exactly giving up anything for Lent. What I will be doing is cutting down on screen time. I have already started this a little last Saturday. I personally spend many hours on screens be it computer, tablet, games consoles or television. I watch T.V. during meal times too. This is the part I am giving up. During breakfast and dinner for the most part I will try and not watch T.V. I will talk to the people around me. I recently started using my New Nintendo 3dsXL and I have noticed I can play it for a long time during the course of the day. I have started using a timer to keep me more mindful of my use of it and that has helped. I want to use Lent as a time to become closer to God. I aim to do that by either praying a bit more, even one small prayer is good or do something that helps me be closer to God. That can be play religious music, read religious books, going for a walk and noticing the things He created or gardening. As you can see I am not giving up anything but I am cutting down and also giving more time to other more important things in my life. Lent is a time of fast and abstinence but it is also a time of taking up things that help you and others become closer to God. It is also a time of almsgiving where you can give time/donations or money to those who need it most. This Lent I advise you don't just give up something because it is good for you do it to get closer to God and those around you. I hope you all have a great and fruitful Lent.
I done this blog post a few months ago O ne of the main reasons I have anxiety is because I have low self confidence. My low self confidence is more so in the way of my ability in being able to do future tasks rather than in how I look. Some nights I ask myself questions like how will I cope tomorrow if I don't sleep tonight?, will I be able to do the task I set out for myself tomorrow? therefore telling my self that I am not strong enough in such a situation. That sort of thinking lowers my self-confidence. This still happens me at times but now I try and tell myself that no matter what it will be ok. I am strong enough to deal with it. If I feel I am too anxious to think that way I talk to my brother and he tells me they are just thoughts, I will be strong enough to deal with it and then it reassures me that it will be ok and I will get through this. The last few weeks my self-confidence has gotten better and I am taking on more tasks. I feel I have a new found freedom. I used t...
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