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Sometimes you have to just step away

Did you ever just go on social networks and feel like it is nothing but a barrel of negativity? Yes? well you are not alone. The last few weeks I have been finding this more so on Twitter than Facebook. I just scroll through my feed looking for news and see things like someone has punched someone else for whatever or no reason, someone mistreating an animal, the BLM debate, the coronavirus etc. These are all very important topics to talk about but I think we have to ask ourselves is this really worth taking up our whole day to write 10 or 20 posts about a particular topic or will 1 or 2 posts do and then move on to something more positive.

The reason I am writing this post personally is because sometimes I scroll through twitter to find out some news and more often than not when I am finished scrolling I am left feeling more anxious and sad especially about the coronavirus. It seems to be everywhere. That is one of the main reasons I rarely post on this topic. I did recently but before that I didn't in a long time. I think during this difficult time especially we need more good news in our lives and newsfeeds. We be doing something positive in our lives like maybe gardening or even putting up a positive post on Facebook or Twitter.

Yes serious topics need to be talked about but do they have to be talked about so much that it nearly takes over our lives and our news feeds? These topics will all fade away in time but negative thought and feelings from these topics can last years. When I 1st started Facebook and Twitter back in 2013. I used to write lots and lots of posts every single day that would mostly be about the Catholic Faith or the abortion issue. It was like I was on a crusade to convert people and I had to do whatever I could to convert people to Catholicism and if they disagreed with me I wouldn't just leave it I would respectfully as I could try to direct them in the way of Truth but that became so unhealthy for me and possibly for others too and often times I would spend many hours going around in circles with people who disagree with me and I would nearly take their comments personally. I know now they were never personal attacks on me. Now I rarely answer comments that disagree with me because it is ok to disagree with people. It would be a boring world if we all agreed with each other all the time. 

I remember I would put up loads of posts on the 1 topic and looking back on it now and sometimes seeing it in my memories on Facebook I wonder how I did such things and how my friends didn't unfriend me or become sick of my posts because without intending to my posts came across as pushy and radical and had no balance what so ever now thank God I have changed that a lot and I post about my many different interests now with the odd post being about my Faith and where I stand on life issues because that is still part of me. 

That is why I just stepped away from social networks for a short time. Today is the 1st day of my break and it has done me wonders so far. When I was on Twitter I felt it was pushing the coronavirus topic too much which I don't think is good. Yes we need to keep up to date with the virus but not to the point where it is taking over our whole lives. I tried to get up some good news in Ireland today and the latest good news I could get was from April or May and it is a pity because there is so much positive thinks going on in the world but it is overtaken by coronavirus and BLM. It is so hard to find good news but I think if we don't see good news we should try and post something positive that is going on in our lives. It could be anything from what you see, what you smell, what you hear, what you feel, a picture anything at all. You would be surprised as to how it would make you feel and how it would make others feel. Go on just try it post something positive on your social network and/or blog. I will start now and I might keep posting positive things on my blog as much as I can. It is great to have it so bright up to 10pm at night time now. Now it is your turn. It is easy.

                         Positivity motivational quotes positive affirmations - positivity predates negativity


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