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90's Retro T.V I'm rewatching

Kids of the 90's you will all know what I'm talking about here when I mention some of these programmes. I mean we grew up with them and yes I am re watching them over and over again.

Full House: Well to be honest with you now I never heard of Full house until about 7 or 8 years ago when clips of it used to come up on youtube when I would type in Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen so technically I didn't grow up with full house but because I grew up watching the Olsen twins on 2 of a kind, so little time and of course the movies they were in like Switching goals, It takes two and passport to paris etc. and when I saw the clips of full house on youtube I knew I had to see it. I got the DVD box-set and we watched every single episode from season 1-8. I think I watched the whole 8 seasons twice. I loved all the characters Danny, Jesse, Joey, Becky, D.J., Stephanie, Michelle, Kimmy, Steve, Nicky and Alex and not forgetting Comet the dog. In my opinion the 1st maybe 4 or 5 seasons were the best I think after that it started to go down hill a bit after that. I think it is because all kids were getting older and the dynamics of the show were starting to change and I don't think the show was able to handle the fact that the kids were growing up into teenagers. I felt too that a lot of the later season episodes were very dark at time in comparison to the earlier seasons. I think it just ran out of steam but it is one of my favourite shows to re-watch from time to time.

Saved by the bell: Now this was a show I grew up with and loved to watch with characters like Zack, Slater, Screech, Kelly, Jessie, Lisa, Tori, Mr Belding, Max, for a few episodes Stacey, Mr Carosi and teachers like Mrs. Culpepper who was nearly blind, Mr. Dewey who reminded me of an adult version of Screech, Mrs. Simpson who was nearly deaf, Coach Sonski who was sceptical to let Kristy try out for wrestling, Mr Tuttle who doesn't like Mr Belding after Mr. Belding got the job as principal and not him and Ms. Wentworth who helped her class teach Zack a lesson about the wrongful use of subliminal messages in a Bo Revere tape. The characters were great. Lisa was my favourite. I am not currently re watching this but in the last year or two I have rewatched the seasons lots of times. When I was younger I didn't really like the summer episodes with Stacey and Leon but re-watching it they are now probably one of my favourite episodes. Like full house I think as the seasons went on it started to run out of steam. Lets not mention Saved by the bell the new class oops,sorry forget I mentioned it

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: I did grow up with Mighty Morphin but to be honest growing up it was more my brother's thing but re-watching it as an adult I see it in a different light. There are some great storylines to it and who wouldn't have liked to see Tommy and Kimberley get together. I really like all of the characters in the seasons of Mighty Morphin but my favourites would probably be Kimberly, Tommy, Ninjor, Lord Z and Rito Revolto. I also liked Cat after she became good.

The Fresh Prince of Bel air: Now you kids of the 90's know you want to do this so lets's get it over with before you read on "Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air

In west Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air"

I whistled for a cab and when it came near The license plate said "Fresh" and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, But I thought, "Nah, forget it" – "Yo, home to Bel-Air"

I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 And I yelled to the cabbie "Yo home smell ya later" I looked at my kingdom I was finally there To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel-Air" to get the extended version click here

Now we can move on. The Fresh prince was another great sitcom that I grew up with. Uncle Phil, Aunt Vivian, Carlton, Ashley, Hillary and Vy who was Will's mother. The series touched on some very serious topics such as racism of both black and white people, the death of Trevor and the fact that Will's father didn't want him and put his job over spending time with Will. That scene between Uncle Phil and Will was brilliant. It was acted out great and really got the emotions correct. But in each episode no matter how serious a topic is in the episode there is always something to have a laugh at. There is always a character that eases the tension in the scene by using a one liner. I love how at times Will looks at the camera, especially the look he gave when the actress that played aunt vivian was fired and they got in a new actress to play her part and Jazz says "Mrs. Banks, ever since you had that baby, there's something different about you." that was just priceless. I am currently re-watching this for maybe the 4th or 5th time on Netflix.

Lois and Clark the New adventures of Superman: This is another programme that growing up was more of my brother's thing but as an adult I am enjoying it more. This series is more of a dark series but that is ok because that fits with the theme of superman. The characters in this are great too. Of course you have Clark and Lois but you also have Perry, Jimmy Olsen, Johnathan, Martha, Kat, Dr Klien, Lex, Tempus, Lucy, Ellen, Sam etc. My favourite villan in this would have to be tempus has great comedic effect. I love the line he says to Lois "Hello! Duh! Clark Kent is Superman!" I think it is because he says what we all feel that she really should have recognised by now that Clark Kent is Superman lol

All of these programmes have one thing in common. They are not just for young people they can also be enjoyed by adults and that is what makes these programmes great.

There are other programmes I would love to re-watch and I hope too also and they are Kenan and Kel, The rest of the Power Rangers seasons, Boy meets world, Sister Sister, Hang Time, E.R., Baywatch etc and when I start to do them I will do another blog post on this also.


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