Power Rangers Zeo was a programme I watched as a child. My brother liked it more than I did growing up as it was a programme geared more toward boys at the time. As an adult I rewatch it many times and I really enjoy it. I don't like it as much as MMPR though. My favourite characters would have to be Tommy and Katherine much for the same reasons as I liked Tommy and Kimberly in MMPR. the vehicles that the Power Rangers used in this season were the: Zeo Jet cycles. They were very similar to the shark cycles from MMPR I did a post on the shark cycles and other vehicles from MMPR which can be viewed here . The Jet Cycles were owned as follows: Pink (Katherine) had the Zeo Jet Cycle I Yellow (Tanya) had the Zeo Jet Cycle II Blue (Rocky) had the Zeo Jet Cycle III Green (Adam) had the Zeo Jet Cycle IV Red (Tommy) had the Zeo Jet Cycle V The designs were unique to each Power Ranger. They were created by Billy and Alpha 5. Billy was the Blue Ranger in MMPR but handed over ...