MMPR was a programme I watched as a child. My brother liked it more than I did growing up as it was a programme geared more toward boys at the time. As an adult I rewatch it many times and I really enjoy it. My favourite characters would have to be Tommy, Kimberly and Alpha 5. I will take this time before talking about the vehicles in the series to remember Thuy Trang R.I.P who played the yellow MMPR who died on September the 3rd 2001 at the age of 27 in a car accident Now back to the cars in MMPR The RadBug: Radbug stands for Remote Activated Drivingzord for Basic Ultra Geomorphology wow that is a mouth-full. It was a volkswagon Beetle with large canisters and exhaust on it and it was built by Billy Cranston who was the Blue MMPR. It was used because the green ranger who was Tommy was at that stage evil and destroyed the rangers teleportation systems along with other controls in the command centre. The command centre was a plac...