I done this blog post a few months ago O ne of the main reasons I have anxiety is because I have low self confidence. My low self confidence is more so in the way of my ability in being able to do future tasks rather than in how I look. Some nights I ask myself questions like how will I cope tomorrow if I don't sleep tonight?, will I be able to do the task I set out for myself tomorrow? therefore telling my self that I am not strong enough in such a situation. That sort of thinking lowers my self-confidence. This still happens me at times but now I try and tell myself that no matter what it will be ok. I am strong enough to deal with it. If I feel I am too anxious to think that way I talk to my brother and he tells me they are just thoughts, I will be strong enough to deal with it and then it reassures me that it will be ok and I will get through this. The last few weeks my self-confidence has gotten better and I am taking on more tasks. I feel I have a new found freedom. I used t...